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high-speed doors
learn moreMany years of experience in the industry allows us to be able to provide you with any type of solution you are looking for.
We can organize the delivery directly from our production to your location.
We can organize packing to be based on your preferences.
Fast installation
Our professional and trained team does the installation.
Our systems are made using the equipment of the first class manufacturers such as:
Siemens, Allen Bradley, Schneider, etc.
About Us
The first sector of our company is a part related to the representative office of
EFAFLEX high-speed in dustrial doors,
whose representatives and servicer we have been for the territory of Serbia and Macedonia
since 2011.
The second sector is dedicated to engineering, designing, manufacturing, installing, and
commissioning of conveyor systems, acoustic chambers, and platforms, as well as the
distribution of dock shelters.
The third sector is dedicated to engineering, designing, manufacturing, installing, and
commissioning of radiation-shielded products.
Connection with all major equipment suppliers
REFAFLEX holds a large number of connections with all major equipment suppliers.
Ready to respond
REFAFLEX team is ready to respond an all your inquiries and questions about our products.
We also offer complete programming for the system you need, including the connection to the exsiting systems in your production.
The first sector is dedicated to the distribution of high-speed industrial doors made by the company EFAFLEX (Germany).
The second sector is dedicated to engineering, designing, manufacturing, installing, and commissioning of conveyor systems, acoustic chambers, and platforms.
The third sector is dedicated to engineering, designing, manufacturing, installing, and commissioning of radiation-shielded products.
Thank you.